Sunday, April 2, 2017

Аркади Островски  (

This propaganda feeds not so much on ignorance, but on resentment – a mixture of jealousy and hostility. Having an imagined but mighty enemy, America, makes people feel noble and good; it compensates for personal weaknesses and failures, and frees them from the need to justify themselves to anyone and above all to themselves. Russia is running the risk of overdosing on hatred and aggression. The euphoria and nationalist frenzy cannot just be switched off like a television set – energy does not simply vanish. History cannot be rewound like a tape and the choices that brought it to this state cannot be unmade. But the future is not predetermined either.

A Note about the Author
Arkady Ostrovsky is a Russian-born, British journalist who has spent fifteen years reporting from Moscow, first for the Financial Times and then as a bureau chief for The Economist. He studied Russian theatre history in Moscow and holds a PhD in English Literature from Cambridge University. His translation of Tom Stoppard’s trilogy, The Coast of Utopia, has been published and staged in Russia.

(jealousy and hostility = љубомора и непријателство)

Во 2001 беа одржани последните демократски избори во Русија (Putin go pobedi Zjuganov)
Од тогаш до денес се владее авторитарно, со помош на целосна контрола на мас-медиумите.
Русија презема ризик од предозирања со омраза и агресија. Еуфоријата и националистичкото лудило не можат туку така  да се исклучат како телевизор - енергијата едноставно не ја снемува.